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At Premier, we provide innovative solutions to the most challenging problems. Get in touch to receive trusted advice at any stage of your project.
Premier was retained to undertake an environmental site assessment and develop remedial action plans for four commercial properties at various locations in Nova Scotia. The scope of work included: a review of each of the Phase I and Phase II ESA reports for completeness and technical adequacy. In addition, the project required a review of the Nova Scotia contaminated site cleanup standards and an evaluation of their adequacy. Premier was also asked to identify the source and timing of release of contaminants, prepare a brief work plan to identify missing gaps in the data; and prepare an approximate budget for implementation of the remedial work plan.
While researching information about the surrounding land conditions, Premier identified two key documents prepared by other professionals that showed significantly high levels of heavy metals and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) naturally occurring in soil and groundwater within the vicinity of the subject properties. With this information in hand, Premier was able to avoid undertaking clean-up of heavy metals and PAHs identified in the soil at each of the four properties and was able to obtain a Certificate of Compliance from Nova Scotia Environment for each.
By avoiding costly physical remediation of these four properties, Premier saved the client approximately $800,000 and obtained regulatory compliance in the process.
At Premier, we provide innovative solutions to the most challenging problems. Get in touch to receive trusted advice at any stage of your project.